A successful WordPress website offers its audience two benefits – great, useful content, and an amazing browsing experience. The latter heavily depends on the web hosting service. So, choosing a web host is one of the most important decisions for a website owner, especially because there are numerous providers that offer WordPress hosting in Canada. The web host’s bandwidth, reliability, and value-added services allow the websites to provide their audience with a smooth and memorable experience. This is possible when your Canadian web hosting service offers phenomenal customer support, its services are easy to use even for a non-tech person, and offer plenty of add-ons that’ll give you full flexibility with regards to your website.
Those are the primary considerations you should focus on when choosing your web hosting service.
HostedInCanada has designed special plans for WordPress hosting in Canada. Website owners get a plethora of features, add-ons, and benefits that are uniquely geared to provide their WordPress websites with an exceptional hosting experience.
Here’s how to Buy WordPress hosting in Canada.
Step 1: Select Your WordPress Hosting Package here.
HostedInCanada offers 3 hosting plans for WordPress websites, and each of them comes with its own sets of features. Choose the plan that gives you the best value for money. Whichever plan you choose, you get full access to the amazing customer support at HostedInCanada, which is the most important factor when choosing a Canadian hosting service.
Step 2: Choosing Your Domain Name
HostedInCanada offers you 3 options when it comes to your domain name. You can buy a new domain, transfer your existing domain to HostedInCanada, or continue using your existing domain as well as the existing domain registrar by updating the name-servers of HostedInCanada with your domain registrar.
If you are finding it difficult to come up with a domain name, here are a few tips:
1. Make it easy to type and remember
2. Keep it short and descriptive
3. Use Keywords people would search for your product or service
4. Target your local area or national area (i.e. HostedinCanada.com)
5. Avoid numbers and hyphens, people just don’t remember them
6. Be memorable of course
7. Research your options before buying
8. Use an appropriate domain extension (.ca, .com, .lawyer, .photo, .contractors)
9. Protect your domain by registering obvious miss spelled versions
Once you have made your selection, you will be taken to the next page.
Step 3: Configure Your Hosting Package
In this step, you can configure your hosting package.
You can select your billing cycle, choose add-on services, and review the order summary one last time.
Step 4: Domains Configuration (New Domain Buyers Skip This Step)
In this step, you configure your domain to redirect it to HostedInCanada’s web hosting servers.
So, if you are buying a new domain from HostedInCanada, then this step will not pop up in your hosting purchase process as it will be done automatically for you.
If you are using a pre-existing domain, then you will need to share the EPP code generated from your existing hosting service with HostedInCanada. Then you can proceed to the next step, which is Checkout.
Step 5: Checkout
On this page, you’ll share your contact details, your billing details, and your payment details. You can make the payments using your credit card or PayPal.
And that’s it. You’ve purchased your WordPress hosting in Canada, and possibly a new DYNAMIC domain name. The entire process will hardly take a few minutes and you will be done even before you know it.
Keep in mind HostedinCanada.com offers lots of options and promotions for the next step, building and marketing your WordPress website. The amazing part is you can actually TALK TO our team, before and after each stage of the ordering. Don’t believe me? After your order, call HostedinCanada.com and ask them about getting a FREE WordPress theme. Quote code 2018hic232 and see what you get. If you ordered there WordPress Enhanced or Enterprise package, you will be eligible to have your WordPress Website build for you at 25% off the incredible package price they have for their starter WordPress website package.
That’s what ease of use means, and that’s why you should choose HostedInCanada for your WordPress hosting needs.